For those of y'all who aren't from the South, "bless your heart" [byh] may sound dumber than a bag of hammers. No need to get all tore up, I'm fixin' to explain to y'all.
As the hilariously funny and Southern as biscuits and gravy author Celia Rivenbark tells it in Bless Your Heart, Tramp, "A Southerner can get away with the most awful insult as long as it is prefaced with the words, ' Bless her/his heart.' As in, 'Bless his heart, if they put his brain on a head of a pin, it'd roll around like a BB on a six-lane highway.'"
That being said, I have got to tell y'all what happened last night.
The fine workers at the credit card company, bless their hearts, who so kindly helped me to validate my new credit card, then proceeded to suspend that same card due to "suspicious activity" fifteen mintues later. Say what? While I was trying to buy tickets for the ACC Championship Game [FSU vs. VT!] this weekend with the newly activated card, they were busy being alarmed at my sudden purchase. So when the Customer Relations rep said I could use the card as soon as I got off the phone with her, was she just lying through her teeth?
After waiting for-eva on hold, they patched me through to a nice man who told me that for my own safety and protection, they had suspended my card for the time being. And bless his heart, he said they could reactiviate the card within 3 to 4 days after I fax over pages and pages of personal background verification forms. Isn't it a funny thing that it's easier to be approved for and get a credit card than it is to use one? In an effort to fight off identity theft, the company, bless their heart, is now tied up in doubting my identity and then reinstating it. Ain't life a peach.
[Image via: Good Reads]
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