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Friday, April 15, 2011

Post-Grad Spring Break? It Does Exist

[Image via: here]

Let me break it down for you: if you work for a school - middle, high school or the like - as a teacher or even administrative support like I do, there is this amazing chunk of time [usually in March or April] where everyone gets the week off. As in spring break for grown-ups. Yes, please! 

It's as if they're saying, "Go ahead, pretend you're still in college. We're giving you five days where you don't have to set your alarm, wake up early and work for us. Enjoy!" Just another of the many benefits of working in education, in addition to molding and shaping the next generation, snow days, the seriously never-ending supply of free lunch and homemade food, adorable sixth graders who barely get out a peep when they shyly walk into the main office, and Casual Friday every day [at least at my school].

Since I've traveled quite a bit already this spring for two weddings, I'll be having my first ever  . . . drum roll, please . . . spring-break-in-Virginia staycation. Although it's no Caribbean cruise or Utah ski trip, it will be pretty fantastic. 

If you, too, have some time off from work this month, here and here are two links that list creative ideas for vacationing in your place of residence, sans piles of undone reading for class and crowds of drunken co-eds.

As for my plans, I'm thinking: shopping, napping, letter-writing, baking, running, movie-watching, reading, museum-visiting. And blogging, of course.


Craig n' Sarah said...

hiiii. i am not working next week. so, I am thinking i will join in baking, sleeping, shopping, and movie-watching. mwah!

Jamie said...

Ahhh the perks of being a teacher! I enjoyed my spring break a couple of weeks ago and spent it like you're going to spend yours :)

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