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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Do U Speak In Abbrevs? Most Def

 [Image via: here]

I sat down with a glass of ho-cho to write this blog post when it hit me - typing  or heck, even saying, full words is so last year. Fo reals. As ridic as it may be, it's just the way our Fb chatting, BBMing lives are.  During a convo with a coworker about where our families live, he said, "So you're from sofla? What's that like?" I prob asked him to repeat that three times. "You know - sofla. As in South Florida. Sofla."

Never in all of my life have we called it that. Now I do currently live in NoVa, which is right outside of D.C. and part of the surrounding D.M.V. area but SoFla? That's NTM [new to me].

Btw, I abbreve LIMJ [like it's my job]. The great thing about it is that any time you want to line up a random combo of letters next to each other and CIAD [call it a day], it's totes acceptable. I Googled "ciad" to see if it's already in use, and wouldn't you know it, it def already is. GTK - I mean, that's good to know.

Are you pro-abbrevs? Heard any good or silly ones lately? [Side note: when I went to spell check this post, every few words was highlighted yellow due to the large usage of words only seen in the likes of Urban Dictionary. Awesome].


I Do Declare said...

I abbrev ATT - and have for years! My BFF from HS + I are certain we coined WTF back in 1994 -and have an entire slam book of what was code back then, but it now just common chatter, to prove it. HYSTER post! Heart it.

Lorin Fairweather said...

That's awesome! Oh my goodness - how cool were SLAM BOOKS!

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