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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Running In Heels

[Image via: here]

Ever wake up every few hours in the middle of the night because you don't want to sleep through your alarm? Guilty as charged. That was me last night. A mixture of nerves and excitement = one sleepless night.

I started my editorial internship at Northern Virginia Mag today and there was no way I was going to be late [hence the mid-night wakeups].

So what was it like? Think The Devil Wears Prada meets The City, minus a crazy boss and the drama, and you get the picture.

 [Image via: here]

Just call me LD. Kidding, that's not necessary.

My thoughts from the first day:
  • Don't actually run in your heels: Although I titled the post "running in heels," I actually wore black flats this morning. It was rainy and gross outside. Best decision of the day. Completely recommend this to anyone with a commute. Or at least wait til you arrive before switching into heels.
  • The outfit: Also, I wore a business dressy outfit. Once you get the vibe of the office, then you can dress accordingly. NoVA is definitely more edgy, and now I know what I'll be wearing all summer.
  • Pack a lunch ... and then some:  For lunch, I packed what I thought would be a delicious salad. Turns out, the lettuce wilted by the time I went to eat it. Not to worry - that's what back-up trail mix is for.
  • Ask questions: Especially right from the first day, you're not expected to know how to use the copier or where you can get a swipe card for the building. So fire away!
  • What a commute: Gas is uber cheap in Chantilly - only $3.93?!?! Too bad it's a 30 mile drive there and 30 miles back.
  • Caffeine is your friend: The search is over! I snatched up a case of Cheerwine at Sheetz after leaving the office. Will definitely be drinking it like it's my job.
  • Be ready to work: My boss gave me lots of assignments right away. Don't think that the first day/week is going to be full of long coffee breaks and chatting with the other interns, which sounds lovely but is not the reason you applied, interviewed and were chosen to intern away the next few months of your life. So jump right in and start researching/editing/interviewing for your articles.
  •  Nose plug not included: Sitting in the cubicles next to the office "kitchen" means hunger pains + a bit of nausea at the smell of things constantly being heated up - everything from pasta to hot dogs.
but the bottom line is:
  • It's totally worth it: Traveling crazy distances every day to work for free is not only "character building" but absolutely important to building your resume. It may not seem like it in the beginning but everyone has to start somewhere.


Chelsea Martin said...

Oh your life is so glam! Wish I could commute with you. I would totally wear flats too. High heels = over-rated. You make sure you show those young kids whose boss, and by that I mean, whose older and wiser. By the way, that's YOU! :)

Crystal Marie said...

I'm proud of you. Keep us posted about your adventures! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you weren't relying on me to wake you up, this time! I'm so excited to hear more about your life at NoVa!


I have a 30 mile commute, too! I think you should blog about constructive ways I could spend my time... I need your good ideas and perky disposition!!

Miss you!


meg fee said...

oh so fun--congrats on the new job! i can't wait to see how the job and your fashion with it unfolds and evolves.

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