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Monday, March 14, 2011

Don't Crowd the Mushrooms

As part of my post-root canal recovery [my mouth is pretty sore but praise the Lord, I'm on my way to feeling better!], I decided to grab a warm blanket and a plate of soft food for an afternoon showing Julie & Julia in our living room, DVR style. Have y'all seen it? I loved it the minute I saw it in theaters - Meryl Streep and Amy Adams are so great, giving fabulous portrayals of both of the J's, respectively.

And the food. Oh goodness, I felt like I had gained a few pounds just watching the film.

There's a lot to learn from such a fun, true story blog-turned-movie that I decided to post a few of my fave aha movie moments about cooking, blogging, and life.

1. Get comfortable: "You know what I love about cooking?" says Julie. "What's that?" asks her husband.  "I love that after a day when nothing is sure, and when I say 'nothing' I mean nothing, you can come home and absolutely know that if you add egg yolks to chocolate and and sugar and milk, it will get thick. It's such a comfort."

2. Time for a change: "Here's the big news. I've been cooking mushrooms wrong my entire life. Don't crowd the mushrooms, otherwise they won't brown." [Julie]

3. I'd like 12 steps, please: [on blogging] "It's sort of like being in AA . . . it's gives you something you have to do every day, one day at a time." [Julie]

4. Critically speaking, Madame Brassart, you're wrong: "Madame Child, I must tell you, you have no real talent for cooking."

5. Repeat after me: "Perfection. And even if it isn't, never apologize. No excuses, no explanations." [Julia]

On a different note, the biggest thing God has shown me recently is the power of prayer. I was in a tremendous amount of pain last Friday when the right side of my mouth started throbbing. With work and Crowsy's upcoming wedding, it was no time to be getting a toothache that's for sure. But my mom and I started praying that the Lord would have His hand on the situation and work everything out. And He did! Not only did I squeeze in an emergency appointment with my endodontist, but after Friday, the pain dissolved completely.

I was able to make it through the whole week without losing my mind due to unbearable pain. And the cherry on top of the whole situation was definitely my experience today. If you've ever gotten a root canal - bless your heart! - you've likely had the cold test done. This occurs when the dental assistant proceeds to shove a square of dry ice onto your mischievous tooth and says, "Let me know when you feel something." Um, right now?!? Honestly, it can hurt more than your toothache itself.

But today, when the assistant tested my tooth, I felt nothing. Thank you, Jesus! Although I still had to get root canal done [I felt nothing because the nerve had died; it was "the quiet before the storm," as my doc put it], it was an almost pleasant experience. I'll take it!
[Image via: here]


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